So, I was doing some stuff on a custom joomla component and I wanted to use bootstrap.
Here's the issue:

As soon as bootstrap css is loaded a few things in the joomla admin interface break.

Namely the icons of the buttons on the top right (new, save, etc...) and modal buttons which suddenly appeared elsewhere and with a different form.

A quick search turned up this thread:

Here's the essence of it.

In bootstrap.css (or equivalent) do the following:

  1. rename all occurences of




  2. rename all occurences of





So, the other day I installed EasyPHP to do some local stuff, instead of firing up a linux server, ftp and all his. (Yes, I am aware of "Vagrant"!! :D )

It was a Joomla project which, after its installation, threw errors in the console of the browser. Something about files not being found.

To my surprise, the files were there and it made no sense at all. I did also not find any info on that on the net, so I started taking this thing apart myself.

The problem was with files that were inside the "/models" path. As it turned out, the  EasyPHP administration interface uses /modules for itself and the main site config in apache's configuration (httpd.conf) was having an entry for that path.

Now, to resolve that situation, one must just add the following line (adapted to your environment) inside each <virtualhost>:

Alias /modules "mypath_to_the_host\modules"

So after getting back to a just installed SBS Server, BPA reported 'SBS Server is in a journal wrap condition'. It turns out, the safest fix for that, is shown in the link here: Thanks mate!

Don't forget to backup your system state before that, just in case...


And another Outlook problem that came up the other day...

I had migrated an SBS 2003 Server to an SBS 2011 Server. Note that the old server was completely broken and unusable for the normal migration path.

However some uses were unable to send mails to other internal recipients.

The solution for me, was:


1) Create a new mail

2) Start typing the address of the recipient, until you see the address in the autocompletion list field.

3) Move with the up/down keys to the address in question and hit 'Delete' on the keyboard.

Do this for every address you have a problem with (I only had two).

After that you have to type in the complete address for those recipients once, before autocompletion works again for those.



So, the other day I was at a client and some Outlook installations were sending blank mails. Some of those were always sending blank mails and others only when written in any language other then English (latin characters).

Googling around there were many results that didn't apply, and after some testing, I found it was some add-in that was incompatible.